 title: "Effective Listening Quiz",
 description: "Good listening skills are very important. To start thinking about how well you listen, please take this quiz. Answer the following questions and find  out your listening score.",
 logo: "https://www.staging.crawlingbytes.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LogoWithTradeMark-Trans.svg",
 logoWidth: "200px",
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 completedHtml: "Thank you for completing taking the survey.  Fill in the information in the form and you can download the excel format of quiz ! ",
 pages: [
   name: "page1",
   elements: [
     type: "matrix",
     name: "question",
     title: "How Good A Listener Are You ?",
     description: "0 - Never || 1 - Occasionally || 2  - Usually || 3  - Always",
     isRequired: true,
     columns: [
       value: "0",
       text: "Never"
       value: "1",
       text: "Occasionally"
       value: "2",
       text: "Usually"
       value: "3",
       text: "Always"
     rows: [
       value: "1",
       text: "I allow the speaker to finish before I begin speaking."
       value: "2",
       text: "I observe body language and use that information to help me understand the speaker’s message."
       value: "3",
       text: "I make an effort to be interested in the subject and the speaker."
       value: "4",
       text: "I do nothing else, except listen, when someone is speaking to me."
       value: "5",
       text: "I avoid getting angry or agitated with the speaker when I disagree with him or her."
       value: "6",
       text: "I tune out distractions (Mobile, others, the television, etc.) when listening."
       value: "7",
       text: "I repeat details of a conversation to make sure that I understand what the speaker is saying."
       value: "8",
       text: "I think about what the speaker means, not just what he or she says."
       value: "9",
       text: "I actively try to retain key facts and concepts from the speaker."
       value: "10",
       text: "I try to understand the speaker’s point of view so that I may better understand the message."
     hideIfRowsEmpty: true
   questionTitleLocation: "top",
   description: "Good listening skills are very important. To start thinking about how well you listen, please take this quiz. Answer the following questions and find  out your listening score."
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 startSurveyText: "Start Evaluation",
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