Question T1000
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nouislider modify pips mode or values

created 6 years ago (modified 6 years ago)

hello, is it possible to override the pips mode/density on the nouislider custom widget from what is set in survey-widgets.js.
One issue I'm having is if there is an even amount of values (ie: 1-10), 6 becomes the default value and is incorrectly scaled as the middle pip in both the editor and survey

Comments (1)


    I have introduces additional "pips" options:

    { type: "nouislider", name: "range", title: "Please range", pipsMode: "positions", pipsValues: [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100], pipsDensity: 1 },

    via the following commit -

    Feature will be available in the nearest update.

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team