[Ticket cloned from T10150: Survey creator language change not updating error messages]
Found one more problem:
If I do
import 'survey-core/defaultV2.css';
To use this theme for preview it breaks .sd-boolean__switch
styles - if I open general sidebar panel I can't do nothing with it because of this stules:
CSSdisplay: flex;
padding: calc(0.5 * var(--base-unit, 8px));
align-items: center;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: calc(12.5 * var(--base-unit, 8px));
We had problems on the site, perhaps this error is related to this.
If your problem is reproducing, please send instructions on how to reproduce it or a simple example.
SurveyJS Team
Hi, Olga.
Looks like that problem is in rendering checkboxes as booleans in my survey sidebar. I can not understand why it's so. See attachment: show title checkbox looks like
No Yes Yes
In example looks like
questions renders a bit strange. Can You suggest what can be the reason of such replacement?In the example, I don't see the behavior you describe. Make an example in CodeSandbox so we can solve the problem and fix it.
It's because problem is not in example, but on my local version. In example boolean looks strange for modern and legacy theme (text on thumb).
I just asked why it can change checkbox on boolean - maybe You have an idea?
About legacy theme view:
It's a bug indeed, we'll fix it and update this thread immediately.
SurveyJS Team
Thank You, Olga!
I found that problem with replacing checkbox by boolean reproduces only in Storybook project. Then I import same component in App everything works as expected. Maybe You have an example of Storybook setup?
Maybe I need to create separate ticket for this problem?
We don't have an example of setup the Storybook.
I produced this bug in our online demos without the Storybook. Thanks, there's nothing else to do.