When the title of category is too long then half of string gets hidden as shown in below screen shot. Here is example
You can use the following CSS:
CSS.svc-toolbox__category-header { min-height: 40px; height: auto; }
.svc-toolbox__category-header { min-height: 40px; height: auto; }
Here is the example - https://plnkr.co/edit/B5ISxGsupJYL9y4z
Thanks, Serge SurveyJS Team
You can use the following CSS:
.svc-toolbox__category-header { min-height: 40px; height: auto; }
Here is the example - https://plnkr.co/edit/B5ISxGsupJYL9y4z
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team