Question T10517
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Customize surveyjs react v2

created 2 years ago

hi Team,

We have customized look and feel of surveyjs library by applying some theme (using style manager, dom manipulation & css overrides)
Now, we want to use the same thing on surveyjs v2 builder. that is, when user drags and drops a question on designer, it should look same as themed questions. How to do that?

Comments (3)

    One of things I observed was, form has classes like sv-text while the form on the designer has sd-text. previously with v1 builder, it was not like that.

      Hello Agasya,
      Please accept my apologies for the delayed reply.

      Let me make sure we're on the same page.
      Survey Creator V2 brings a new behavior when users drag and drop questions. Now, the dragged element no longer displays the entire question (like it was in CreatorV1), but the minimized version of the question which basically includes the question type icon and the question title.

      Do I correctly understand that you would like to get back the previous behavior and display the entire question when users drag the element? If your requirement is different, please elaborate on it. Feel free to share some illustrations of the desired functionality.

      Regarding the additional issue - I decided to extract it to a separate thread: T10531: Customize theme for Survey Creator V2. Please refer to it for further details.

        No! Not that.
        I actually customized surveyjs look and feel by adding some css, setting style manager, etc.
        Now, I want the survey builder to use same styles. how to do.

        Answers approved by surveyjs Support

        created 2 years ago

        Hello Agasya,
        Thank you for the clarification.
        From what I gather, you've customized the theme for Survey Creator V1. Now, as you migrated to Survey Creator V2, you want to apply the same styling.

        When we developed a new version of the Survey Creator, we've entirely redesigned its look and feel. Survey Creator V2 comes with a new UI: updated visual styles, fonts, colors, etc. We've also made huge step enhancing user experience working in Creator V2. The new UI & UX brought a lot of changes. If we're talking about themes, unfortunately, there is straightforward way to simply apply a Creator V1 theme to Creator V2.

        Creator V2 uses the defaultV2 theme which enables you to use variables for customization. An example is available at Survey Creator | Custom Theme using CSS variables.

        Please let us know if you have any questions or require further assistance.

        Thank you,
        SurveyJS Team