[Ticket cloned from T11011: Is there a way to customize cell design in matrixdynamic ]
Hi Team,
I am trying to display survey form in "Display" mode.
Is there a way to customize cell in matrixdynamic questions?
I want to display only selected values in the cell of matrix when cellType is checkbox and boolean instead of all choices.
=> When CellType = boolean, show only Yes/No value in the cell. (Reference:Boolean.png, In Billable column, No (on row1) and Yes (on row2) should be displayed
Hello Mahesh,
Would you please clarify how a single Yes/No value should be rendered?
Hi Jane,
Referring to Boolean.png attached on the ticket, i would like to render only 'No' text (on row1) and 'Yes' (on row2) on Billable column without toggle control in the cell.