Question T11867
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matrixdropdown with single column but each row has different dropdown choices

created 2 years ago (modified 2 years ago)

i was wondering if this is possible without making it vertical.
i would expect row Europe to have European countries and Antartica N/A
Thank you so much!

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

You can use survey.onMatrixCellCreated or/and survey.onMarixCellCreating events.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (6)

      Please use survey.onMatrixCellValueChanged event.

      Thank you,
      SurveyJS Team


        Loving the dropdown Other options as it shows comment box!

        I was wondering as per discussion above, I was able to achieve rows have different dropdown choices,
        Is it possible to incorporate that with Other options? To only have specific row to have Other option with event of showing that comment box?

        Thank you!

          Sure, you can setup differently any property you want on survey.onMatrixCellCreated or/and survey.onMarixCellCreating events.

          Thank you,
          SurveyJS Team