Question T11986
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With DireflowComponent, survey js dropdown and checkbox icons are not loading

Can't see the clean icon in matrix dropdown

created 2 years ago

Hi Team,

I have done a small POC using react typescript and direflow, and i can't see the clean icon in dropdown.
Please refer the sample POC attached

Also i have attached the sample image what i am looking for.



The yellow highlighted icons are not coming in my poc, Could you please let me know if i am missing something?

With normal react it the icons are coming but with react,typescript and direflow, i am not able to see the icons.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Jitendra,
I believe we've already discussed this issue at With DireflowComponent, survey js dropdown and checkbox icons are not loading. I reviewed your current application configuration and it seems you didn't apply suggestions given in that thread. Please follow my recommendations. Let me know if they help.

    Comments (2)
    JK JK
    Jitendra Kumar 2 years ago

      Hi Jane,

      Thank you the quick reply.

      I was actually trying with shadowroot = false, because other dependent modules are written on shadowroot only and it didn't work.

      Could you please let me know if works that way or not?

      Jitendra Kumar

        Hi Jitendra,
        SurveyJS widgets don't use a Shadow DOM. Therefore, we don't guarantee that our widgets perform correctly when running inside a shadow DOM.
        If you wish to run SurveyJS with Direflow, the only option is to disable a shadowroot and run surveys with a regular DOM root element.

        Please let me know if any questions remain.