Question T12113
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How to avoid to run the survey again

created 2 years ago


Is there a way to hide the "run the survey again" button when the survey is done?

Thank you,

Marcelo Salduendo

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Marcelo,
By default, a survey doesn't display a Run the survey again button. As an option, this button may be included to the completedHtml property of a survey. Please check it to make sure the HTML content doesn't contain an unnecessary button.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, we are always here to help.

    Comments (2)
    MS MS
    Marcelo Salduendo 2 years ago

      Hi Jane,

      You are right.

      I didn’t notice that button into the html before … sorry if I’m asking too basic questions … I’m doing my first steps on this product.

      Button removed, so it is working Ok now.
      <button class="rounded-button rounded-button--small" onclick="reRunSurvey();">Run Survey Again</button>

      Thank you very much.

      Marcelo Salduendo – HOVEROUND Corporation

        No problem, Marcelo. You're always welcome.
        Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require further assistance.

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