Question T12262
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Build a polling system with SurveyJS - Vote in real time

created 2 years ago

Dear SurveyJS Team,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of adding a live polling feature to our upcoming event. Our team has been searching for a survey tool that can allow us to gather real-time feedback from our attendees during the event, and we are interested in using your survey platform.

Specifically, we are interested in being able to create and display poll questions on a screen during the event, and have attendees submit their responses using their smartphones or other internet-enabled devices. We would also like to be able to display the poll results on the screen in real-time, to enhance audience engagement and interaction.

Could you please let me know if your platform offers a live polling feature, and if so, what are the requirements and steps to set it up? We would also appreciate any additional information about the feature, such as the types of questions that can be asked, the number of responses that can be collected, and the level of customization available for the poll display.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing back from you soon, and are excited about the possibility of using your platform for our upcoming event.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago (modified 2 years ago)

Hello Han,
Thank you for reaching out to us and considering SurveyJS for your business needs.

With SurveyJS Form Library, you can create online polls of different configuration. Use SurveyJS Dashboard to immediately visualize results once a respondent completes a test.

In overall, you would need to follow these three essential steps:

  • Build a form which contains a poll built with a SurveyJS Form Library, and share a link to the form with your respondents.
  • Collect user responses and store them at your own servers;
  • Display poll results using a SurveyJS Dashboard and update it as soon as you receive new user responses.

The following steps should help you to get started and configure the environment.

Build a Form

Create a Poll

Start with creating a survey model: Create a Simple Survey. SurveyJS includes a wide range of built-in question types: from simple input fields to likert-scale matrices.

For pooling, you may consider a single-selection radio button group, or a multi-selection checkbox.

Consider the following sample survey JSON which displays a single-selection radiogroup question:

{ pages: [ { name: "page_info", elements: [ { type: "radiogroup", name: "organization_type", title: "Which of the following best describes you or your organization?", showOtherItem: true, choices: [ { value: "ISV", text: "ISV (building commercial/shrink wrapped software)" }, { value: "Consulting", text: "Software consulting firm (provide development services to other organizations)" }, { value: "Custom", text: "Custom software development (as a freelancer/contractor)" }, { value: "In-house", text: "In-house software development" }, { value: "Hobbyist", text: "Hobbyist (develop apps for personal use)" } ], colCount: 2 } ] } ] }

Code Sandbox (React).


To customize a poll to match your company's color scheme and incorporate branding, add a title and logo and also customize form appearance with CSS.

If your poll requires specific configuration, and built-in question types do not provide certain custom functionalities, you can also go with integrating custom components.

Integrate to a Front End App

Integrate a SurveyJS library widget to your front-end application. Please select a corresponding get-started topic for your JavaScript platform: Get Started.

Display Poll Results

SurveyJS Dashboard allows you to visualize survey responses.

Please refer to the following demo: Bar Chart for Poll Data. It shows how to use a bar chart to visualize results of a single-selection radiogroup question. You can explore the Code tab, or run the demo in Plunker / Code Sandbox for your JavaScript platform.


To learn how to integrate a dashboard to your application, please follow the get-started guide.


Please note that SurveyJS Dashboard requires a commercial developer license.

Store User Reponses

With SurveyJS, you can build a self-hosted polling system, collect user responses and visualize them. To store user responses, you are expected to connect your online form with a backend application which connects to a database and saves/load user responses. You can actually consider any backend platform as per your requirements. For more information, refer to Integrate SurveyJS Libraries with Backend. At this point, you have unlimited number of user responses (the available server memory is the only limit) and retain full ownership of collected responses.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, we are here to help.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Comments (2)

      Can the user creating the survey visualize the opinions and choices of other survey participants, e.g., can the choices of other participants be shown in text, such as how many are currently voting 1 and how many are voting 2?

        Hello Han,
        Yes, it is possible. As soon as you collect customer requests, you can then calculate the percentage of total answers for a given respondent. This is what actually the Bar Chart in the Polling demo does:

        Do you wish to modify this chart and display percentages in textual representation only, e.g., without bars?