Question T12475
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Export a survey to a read-only PDF document without fillable fields

created 2 years ago (modified 2 years ago)

[Ticket cloned from T12474: Is it possible to export the multiple survey questionnaire at once with Survey PDF?]


Also, we want the exported pdf should be read only without having form like structure.

Is it possible to achieve this behavior?


Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Santosh,
You can enable a read-only mode for a PDF file by setting the surveyPDF.mode property to display.

Please let me know if this option works for you.

    Show previous comments (3)

      Thank you for the clarification. I believe you may wish to override PDF rendering for survey elements as shown in the following demo: Add Custom Markup to a PDF Form.

      Please let me know if you have further questions.

        Hi Jane,

        could you add the surveyPDF.mode property to the PDF Generator API documentation?

        Very much thanks for your help!

          Hello Martin,
          Thank you for your input. Yes, sure. I created the following task in this regard:

          We will handle it shortly.
