Question T12530
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Inserting an auto update graph

created 2 years ago


I am a Research Assistant for the University of Cambridge. I need to create an insect abundance survey to send to global experts, and need to include a line graph which automatically records the respondant's numerical input for each question. So, for example, the respondent would enter a number into a table which would then automatically be plotted on the line graph, which he can see as he goes along.

I currently use Qualtrics but it is not possible to do this, so I am seeking another platform. Is it possible for SurveyJS to perform this?

Thank you for your time.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Julie,
Thank you for reaching out to us.

With SurveyJS, you can build a survey and display its results in a dashboard. If you wish to visualize user numerical input, you may wish to try the following example: Show text question answers as chart. This demo shows how to visualize the results of a Text question using a bar chart.

The overall flow is the following:

  • Define a survey JSON and create a survey model.

  • Integrate a SurveyJS Form Library component to your application to allow respondents to fill in your survey: Form Library | Get Started

  • Collect user responses
    SurveyJS is self-hosted surveying platform so you can obtain question answers in the survey.onComplete function and store answers in your own database. For more information, please refer to Store Survey Results.

  • Create a SurveyJS Dashboard to visualize user responses.
    By default, text question answers can be visualized using a wordcloud chart or table. If you wish to visualize textual answers using a bar chart, implement a custom visualizer as shown in the following demo: Show text question answers as chart.

I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have any questions or require further assistance.

    Comments (2)

      Hi Jane

      Thank you for your help, this is very useful. Would the graphs be visible to the survey respondent as he goes through the questions? Or only visible to the survey creator in the results section?

      We would like it to be visible to the survey respondent so that he can visualize his own response.

      Many thanks again,


        Hello Julie,
        By default, survey results are not visible to respondents. You can configure your application and display survey results as needed. For example, you may wish to place a form library and dashboard widgets on the same page and update your dashboard as soon as users answer survey questions.

        Please let me know if you have additional questions.