Question T12765
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Solution to add tooltip for each title

created 2 years ago

Is there any general solution to choose to add tooltip for each title? like question title, or check box option text.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Wenjing,
It is possible to define actions for a survey page and question title area. Handle the survey's onGetPageTitleActions and onGetQuestionTitleActions functions to add custom actions to the page and question's title.

Regarding choices' text: by default, a choice element doesn't have an option to define title actions. If you wish to add an action to a choice, you can customize the choice (an itemvalue element) template and include required actions to it. For more information on how to implement a custom choice template, check the following demo: Single- and Multi-Select Questions with Custom Item Template.

Let me know if you have any questions or require further assistance.