Question T12766
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Any example I can access custom widgets answers

created 2 years ago

My project use React. I have created a custom table question extends from SurveyQuestionElementBase, by using registerQuestion I can render the question in the survey. But I'm not very sure about what is the best practice to access custom widgets answer.

Comments (1)

    Hello Wenjing,
    You can declare a value property for your custom question and return the required value taken from your custom table. For instance, take a look at the following demo: Add a Custom Question Type. In this sample, we implement a custom question based on a React Color component. The SurveyQuestionColorPicker class extends the SurveyQuestionElementBase and implements the value property. This property returns the value of a base question object:

    get value() { return this.question.value; }

    You can implement this property and return a necessary value.

    Please let me know if this helps.