Question T12923
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Loading panel state does not work

created 2 years ago

I tried to integrate to set a panel state like in the documentation, but the state is not applied when reloading the page. So when adding the elements to the VisualizationPanel constructor the order of the elements does not work.

Am I right that the order is also saved when listening to the onStateChanged event?

Further, how can I add the functionality to hide questions that are not empty. Like in this example.

Thanks for your help!

Martin Thomas

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Martin,
The VisualizationPanel.state settings include the currently selected locale and chart visibility.

Unfortunately, the order of elements is not currently saved to a Visualization panel's state. We plan to enhance this and include additional settings to be saved to the dashboard state. If you are interested, please subscribe to the following thread for further updates: Visualizer Configuration State - Save Selected Chart Type, Sorting Order, Filtering, Chart Positioning.

As for your additional question, I created a separate issue per this inquiry: Add the functionality to hide questions that are not empty. Please refer to it for further details.

Thank you

Please let me know if you have further questions.

    Comments (2)

      Thanks for the carification and for adding the request to the thread!

        You're welcome, Martin.

        Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.