Issue T12929
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Survey Runner dropdown choices are not populating when switching between the pages?

created 2 years ago

HI Team,
step-1: We found a scenario when we retrieve the published question for the first time i was able to see the dropdown choices(in page 1), PFA below.
step 2: now i have switched to page 2 , PFA below
step 3: now again i switched back to page 1 and clicked on question 1 i was not able to display the dropdown choices , PFA.
Note: the survey model obj have the choices available binded in the UI for your reference.

Please find the json response below for the question

{ "title": "test sukumar", "description": "test", "logoPosition": "right", "focusFirstQuestionAutomatic": false, "pages": [ { "name": "page1", "elements": [ { "type": "dropdown", "name": "question1", "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "type": "text", "name": "question2" } ] }, { "name": "page2", "elements": [ { "type": "dropdown", "name": "question3", "choices": [ "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" ] } ] } ], "showCompletedPage": false, "showQuestionNumbers": "off", "showProgressBar": "top", "progressBarType": "questions", "showTOC": true, "checkErrorsMode": "onComplete", "completeText": "Next" }
Show previous comments (2)

    HI Jane, When we can expect this fix to be available?

      Hello Santosh,
      If everything goes according to plan, the fix will be available with the next maintenance update next week.

      Regarding the additional issue: once the fix is available, let's see if this question will be resolved. Otherwise, I'll submit an additional issue in this regard.

      Thank you

        HI Jane, Could you please confirm if this fix available now? if yes could you please confirm the which version it is available?

        Answers approved by surveyjs Support

        created 2 years ago

        Hello Santosh,
        The fix is already available with v1.9.87. The version is already available on NPM:

        Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please let me know.