Question T12988
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How to fetch Row Index when a file is uploaded in Matrix Dynamic

created 2 years ago

I am working on Matrix Dynamic.
I have a cellType of file where I upload multiple files.
When a file/files are uploaded fully this below function is called

How can I fetch the index of row from where the file was uploaded ?

Thanks and Regards

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

What event do you use for: options.cellQuestion? The same options object should have options.rowIndex and/or options.row object.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Comments (2)

      The event that I am using is 'onPropertyChanged'
      Still after using options.rowIndex and/or options.row I am not getting row Index.

      Thanks and Regards

        Thank you for the update. To handle Dynamic Matrix cell value change, use the survey.onMatrixCellValueChanged event. You can get information about the current row using the options.row parameter.

        Also, if you wish to handle file uploads in a survey, I would recommend that you handle the survey.onUploadFiles event. For more information, refer to the following demo: File Upload.

        Please let us know if this information helps.