Question T13067
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Survey Creator for Angular - The cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'initKeyboardShortcuts') exception occurs

created 2 years ago (modified 2 years ago)

[Ticket cloned from T13015: Change Any Question default name, title, and description]

i also get this error now

cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'initKeyboardShortcuts')
at CreatorComponent.ngAfterViewInit (survey-creator-angular.js:142:22)
at callHook (core.mjs:2577:22)
at callHooks (core.mjs:2546:17)
at executeInitAndCheckHooks (core.mjs:2497:9)
at refreshView (core.mjs:11853:21)
at refreshComponent (core.mjs:12921:13)
at refreshChildComponents (core.mjs:11572:9)
at refreshView (core.mjs:11832:13)
at refreshEmbeddedViews (core.mjs:12875:17)
at refreshView (core.mjs:11806:9)
handleError @ core.mjs:6402

Show previous comments (5)

    Both Of the errors are happening in survey-creator-angular component ,
    at these lines in the screenshot

      Hello Jane,

      yes i followed all the steps.

      i was debugging for the problem, these errors happens when i fetch the survey from DB.

      when it hits var sub = await this.surveysService.getSurvey(surveyId);

      i tried with json file it worked fine.

        I appreciate your updates. We haven't received similar reports so far. Perhaps, those errors somehow relate to your application configuration.

        For me to move forward and determine the cause of these errors, I need to get a problematic demo for research. Please feel free to share it.