Dear Team,
I am using surveyJS flutter package. I have most of the questions based Matrix but the column cell is not looking good in the mobile app. I am attaching the images. Can you suggest any solution to make it scrollable horizontally.
Also I want to change Next, Previous, Submit labels. Is there any option to change it?
Hello Ved,
Thank you for contacting us.
At the moment, SurveyJS does not provide Flutter integration and we don't have a special SurveyJS SDK for Flutter.
In a SurveyJS Form Library, matrix questions' layout is automatically adjusted to fit mobile screens. For instance, you can test it in our demos: Multi-Select Matrix.
How did you integrate SurveyJS Form Library to your app? Did you use a WebView, implement a custom Flutter plugin, or use a package from
Hi Ved, I recommend you use a webview alternative to use Surveyjs in flutter. You inject the javascript with the survey json inside the webview. You can combine webview with sqlite to save the answers and you can get the answers json from the localstorage in the webview and save them in sqlite or send them from your flutter code.
Thank you for your response, we already using the flutter package
Hi Ved,
Thank you for the update. As I understand, the package was developed by third-parties. I quickly tested a live demo available at and I see that the matrix issue also appears:
I may only suggest that you follow recommendations provided by @pj-alvarado10 and use a WebView to integrate a SurveyJS Form Library to your application.
Hi Jane,
Thank you so much for quick response. As per the requirement, we have to make it offline. I think webview will not work in that case right?
I am wondering if there is any option to make the table scrollable horizontally and this will work for our requirement.
When I started integration of this package I checked the table was scrollable at but I think few changes made in this demo after that and it stopped working now.
Hi Ved,
Thank you for the update. Unfortunately, I'm not WebView expert and may not assist you on this. Regarding the package: I would recommend that you post questions in the corresponding GitHub repository.
Thank you