Question T13310
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Panel Dynamic: Update a question on panel dynamic based on answer from another question in the same paneldynamic

created 2 years ago

Hi team!

I need to update an question on a paneldynamic based on answer from another question (sibling in same panel template) in the same paneldynamic. can you share code snippet. I tried to listen to survey.onDynamicPanelItemValueChanged event but could not figure out how to update question on the same panel with same panel index.

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    Can you provide me a demo? The demo should set value.

      Hello Agasya,
      Why don't you want to use "defaultValueExpression" property? Here is the example.

      Thank you,
      SurveyJS Team

        The issue is default value expression is that it wont be updated if corresponding question value changes.

        Answers approved by surveyjs Support

        created 2 years ago

        Here is the example.

        PS: Your company licenses are expired, could you please notify your EM about it?

        Thank you,
        SurveyJS Team

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            Great and thank you for using our software in your application!

            SurveyJS Team

              FYI: We have renewed 4 licenses. If possible, if you have any mechanism to remind users of renewal, then feel free to send an email to me about the reminder.


                I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T13337: Renewal Confirmation. We placed it in our processing queue and will process it shortly.