Question T13390
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Survey Analytics Tabulator Reactjs

Convert Markdown to HTML with Showdown. (Dashboard)

created 2 years ago

Hello SurveyJS Team,

How to Convert Markdown to HTML with Showdown, in Dashboard.

Kind Regards,

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hi Amro,
SurveyJS Form Library supports HTML text rendering through Markdown processing libraries like Showdown. However, it's important to note that SurveyJS Dashboard utilizes third-party libraries that may not have built-in support for Markdown text formatting.

To ensure compatibility and avoid any issues, we recommend sanitizing your survey JSON model before creating a visualizer in the SurveyJS Dashboard. This involves removing HTML tags from the survey model. You can refer to the code example provided in the Survey Analytics Tabulator Reactjs for reference on how to sanitize the survey JSON model.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to let me know.