Question T13467
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Clear validators once question type is changed

created 2 years ago

Hi there,

We have a custom property called "format" used on question of type "text".

Once we change the value of this format property, we also add a validator to it, according to the option selected

onSettingValue: (text, value) => { text.validators.splice(0, text.validators.length) if (formats[value]?.validator) { text.validators.push(Validator.createInstance(formats[value]?.validator)) } return value },

Now I need to be able to clear the text.validators once the the question type is changed (i.e changing the question from text to dropdown). Is there maybe a callback that is called everytime a question has the type changed?


Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Luan,
We can actually do it out of the box. If a validator type doesn't apply to a new question type, we will remove it.
Will it work for you?

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (1)

      Hello Luan,
      The following PR fixes the issue. Unfortunately, we have just released v1.9.92 and the fix will be available in v1.9.93 that we will release next week.

      Thank you,
      SurveyJS Team

        Cool, I'll update once released and I'll let you know if I have any questions / issues…



          SurveyJS Team