Question T13576
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Logic tab : implement conditions with the help of variables.

created 2 years ago


I want to filter questions in a survey with the help of user info like age, marital status, gender etc. Right now I am using variables for this.
This is working fine. My question is how to give choices for variable. Like when I select condition as Gender there should be options like male and female. Clipboard-File-1.png
Here title 'Question' does not make sense and is it possible to get a drop down here.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Aparna,
Unfortunately, we don't have this functionality out of the box. I guess, we need to add an event to allow you customize the value question for variables. I think we need to add ability to customize value question for any condition item.
Let us discuss it with the team and we will be back to you.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (1)

      Hello Aparna,
      In fact, we have already an event that you can use to solve the issue. It is creator.onConditionQuestionsGetList event.
      Here is the example and code with this event:

      const variableSurvey = new Survey.Model({   elements:[     {name: "gender", title: "Gender"type"dropdown", choices: ["male""female"]}   ] }); creator.onConditionQuestionsGetList.add((sender, options) => { const questions = variableSurvey.getAllQuestions(); questions.forEach(q => { options.list.push({name:, title: q.title, question: q}); }); });

      Thank you,
      SurveyJS Team

      A A
      Aparna Namdev Jadhav 2 years ago

        Thanks Andrew. I think this will work.


          SurveyJS Team