Question T13805
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Multiple SurveyJS Models on one page

created 2 years ago

Is there a limitation to having more than one SurveyJS Model instantiated on a single page?

For example, a Model instantiated within a component that is used multiple times on a single page?

I'm seeing an issue where one Model is taking priority over all models.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Do you mean: "How many SurveyJS widgets can you have one page?" It is unlimited number. SurveyJS Creator have many SurveyJS widgets (runners).
For example, survey on designer surface is a survey widget, property grid is a survey widget. Logic tab content is a survey widget with matrix dynamic question that has detail panels, every detail panel has several question inside, one of these questions, an condition setup, is an embedded survey.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team