Question T13904
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how to hide questions based on user role in survey PDF?

created a year ago

Hi Team,

how to hide questions based on user role in survey PDF?

I can see, visibleIf condition for survey-runner, so is there any way to do it with Survey-PDF?

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created a year ago

Hello Santosh,
You are using the same Survey model for Pdf rendering and all API, including visible and visibleIf properties are available and work absolutely in the same way. If a question in a Survey model will be hidden on a moment of exporting it into Pdf, then the question will not be rendered into Pdf.
If you are talking about hiding/showing a Pdf field dynamically inside the Pdf document based on a value of another Pdf field then it is impossible, since Acrobat Pdf doesn't have this functionality.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Comments (2)

      Thank you Andrew for quick response, It worked!

      AT AT
      Andrew Telnov a year ago

        You are welcome!

        SurveyJS Team