Question T13971
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Increase question width in creator

created a year ago

Good morning,

I'm creating a custom widget. I'm trying to resize a question in the creator depending on the question's content.
Just like the Rating type question:

Capture d’écran 2023-07-21 164333.png

Which property should I update to achieve that?

Thanks for the help.
Have a nice day.

Best regards,


Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created a year ago

Hello Gregoire,
You custom widget looks exactly like our rating question. What are you trying to implement? How and what is the final goal?

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Comments (2)

      Good evening Andrew,

      The custom widget does not look exactly like rating. It is based on the text question with inputType range.
      The goal is for the question to fill the creator's designer in width (element with class: svc-tab-designer_content).
      The question is only taking a third of the designer container right now.

      Best regards,


      AT AT
      Andrew Telnov a year ago

        It is hard to say what is going on. Could you please create a plunker or CodeSandbox example with your custom widget.
        Here is the example of some our custom widgets in Creator.
        If you drop date picker on design surface, you will that it doesn't get 100% width. Probably you set in your styles or css 100% width somewhere.
        It is really hard to say without seeing the code and without ability to try/debug it.

        Thank you,
        SurveyJS Team