Hi SurveyJS Team,
We tried setting up a survey with following parameters:
- Here we expected that field is set to expect only numbers and in case something else is entered then the custom message defined will be shown
- Here we expected - when a survey is completed, if there are any validation issues then user would be redirected to the first field where there was an input error
- Attached video - Even with above configuration, user is not redirect to the mobile number field where there is an issue + it shows a default validation message and not the one entered by me
Hello Animesh,
Thank you for reporting these issues. We will research them and post updates in the corresponding threads:
Please stay tuned to our updates.
Thank you
These two PRs fixed issues: Numeric Validator - A validation error appears with the default text … and Bug/6587 focus on error.
They are already merged into master and fixes will be available in the next version that we will release next week.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
Hi Andrew, Jane,
Thank you for the prompt action and updates.
You are welcome!
SurveyJS Team