Question T14104
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Inputmask for integers on angular does not display "0"

created 2 years ago

Hello, looking at this example I find that it works different on my angular app. Input field does not accept/display "0" value.

Comments (1)

    Thank you for reporting this issue. We may need additional time to research it. I'll update this thread as soon as I have any news to share.

    Answers approved by surveyjs Support

    created 2 years ago

    Hello Saulius,
    Please accept my apologies for the delayed reply. I researched this issue and it appears, that the question value is reset to an empty string ("") because of the following code within the onblur event of a custom Inputmask widget (source code for Inputmask.js)

    el.onblur = function () { if (!el.inputmask) return; if (surveyElement.value === el.inputmask.getemptymask()) { surveyElement.value = ""; } };

    The el.inputmask.getemptymask() function returns "0", which equals to the current sureyElement.value property value.Therefore, a value is reset to "".

    As it's mentioned in the Inputmask documentation (getemptymask command), the getemptymask returns the default (empty) mask value. To ensure that a 0 value is correctly preserved in survey results, I would suggest that you customize the default (empty) mask value for the Inputmask widget. For instance, try the '_' mask.

    const getEmptyMask = () => { return "_"; }; el.onblur = function () { if (!el.inputmask) return; if (surveyElement.value === getEmptyMask()) { surveyElement.value = ""; } };

    I created the following demo for your reference: View Demo. Pay special attention to the inputmask.js file. It registers a custom Inputmask widget and overrides the onblur event to register a custom empty mask. Now, the 0 value is correctly preserved in survey results.

    I hope this example helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.