I saw Example of multi Languages. https://surveyjs.io/Examples/Library/?id=survey-multilanguages&platform=jQuery&theme=default
but i want to clarify how this json format generate. i mean how it's working from survey builder side.There are no any idea to survey builder create this json format.
This JSON is generated by the SurveyJS library core code during serialization. This format can not be changed.
Could you please describe in greater details - what do you want to achieve?
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
think, i want to switch between 2 languages. as above example. so then how it implement on the survey builder side. but when we changing locale it will change to another language (button name, title). but i want to switch question language like above example. please describe the way to do this.
In the survey builder you can change the "Default language" of a survey using the "Edit survey settings" popup dialog:
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team