Question T14426
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Czech support

created a year ago


I am unable to find Czech language in the list of languages of survey designer - see attached…
Is this language supported? if not what is the way out?

We use SurveyJS libraries and there is requirement to support the survey in this language.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created a year ago

Hello Archana,
The Czech language is available for a SurveyJS Form Library. All translation strings are stored within dictionary files. The Czech translation is stored in the following dictionary file: czech.ts. The Czech locale is available under the cs key:

survey.locale = 'cs'

In a Survey Creator, it's named Čeština:

For more information on SurveyJS Form Library localization, refer to our documentation: Localization & Globalization.

Please let me know if you have any questions or require further assistance.