I am using SurveyCreator to create a survey and we would like to hide some creation options. I've already hidden some of them like that:
Code import { SurveyCreator } from 'survey-creator-knockout'
import { Serializer } from 'survey-core'
Serializer.removeProperty('survey', 'storeOthersAsComment')
Serializer.addProperty('question', { name: 'choicesByUrl', visible: false })
const surveyCreator = new SurveyCreator(options)
I would like to hide also the property "Store answers in the following JSON field" that we can find in the questions settings, but I am not able to do it.
I think the property is called isLoadingFromJson so I've tried this two options and none of them works
CodeSerializer.addProperty('question', { name: 'isLoadingFromJson', visible: false })
Serializer.removeProperty('question', 'isLoadingFromJson')
Do you know how to hide it? Maybe I am not using the good name of the property?
Thank you