Hi surveyjs Support team,
When I try to access this survey https://surveyjs.io/service/editsurvey/a474fdce-ff8b-4206-8be6-47af908990ff, it can't load and when I inspected the console of the page this error displays
Hi surveyjs Support team,
When I try to access this survey https://surveyjs.io/service/editsurvey/a474fdce-ff8b-4206-8be6-47af908990ff, it can't load and when I inspected the console of the page this error displays
We updated our website. Please navigate to your surveys and check to see if you can now access your survey. Please accept our apologies for possible inconvenience.
Should you have any questions or require assistance, we are here to help.
Thank you for sharing a survey GUID. I also got the following exception on an attempt to run / edit a survey:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Expected property name or '}' in JSON at position 3 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at creator.setSurveyJSONTextCallback (a474fdce-ff8b-4206-8be6-47af908990ff:5177:56) at t.setTextValue (survey-creator-core.min.js:13:549197) at t.changeText (survey-creator-core.min.js:13:549291) at t.set (survey-creator-core.min.js:13:549648) at a474fdce-ff8b-4206-8be6-47af908990ff:5196:26
I'll reach out to our developers and update you shortly.
any updates?
Our developers fixed the issue. We will update our website shortly so that you can access your survey. I'll notify you once it's done.
Thank you
Awesome, thanks ^_^