Hello surveyJS team,
First of all, thanks for this awesome tool.
Our team is using survey V2, and we want to add a custom property in the survey creator property grid which will use a custom component to render it.
This custom component would only be used as a custom property, not as an available question type.
So far, what we tried is to first extend our custom component using the QuestionAngular
class with a model containing all the property change methods, then register our custom component in the AngularComponentFactory
with a custom name, after that in the type
property of the addProperty method of the serializer add the custom name we used in the previous step to register our custom component in the AngularComponentFactory
, and finally using the PropertyGridEditorCollection
register method.
Quick resume, what we want to achieve is what we did with SurveyCreator.SurveyPropertyEditorFactory.registerCustomEditor
in V1 but in the V2.
We know that we are missing some step/s, if you could help us with this it would be much appreciated. Maybe there is a much more simple way than how we tried to implement this.
We are using Angular framework.
Thanks for your time.