When typing in a property field for a form element, if briefly pausing typing, the field de-selects. Having in on multiple devices, multiple OS and multiple browsers. Is this intended? This happens on all our forms, but I note it doesn't happen in the example.
Property Grid deselects field
Answers approved by surveyjs Support
We have fixed this issue. The fix will be available with our next maintenance update. If everything goes according to plan, the fix will be available in a day or so.
Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact us at any time.
I tried to reproduce the issue on a Free Survey Tool, however, I had no problem typing in a property grid field. Would you please share more information about the issue?
I look forward to your reply.
Hi Jane,
Yes its paid subscription. Also point to note is it is happening when I am logged in and trying to edit my existing survey. And not when trying to access it in guest mode.
@version: I am trying to do it using the online Survey Creator. I understand that it would be the latest version.
Attached is screen recording for the issue.
In the recording during initial ~21 Seconds i am in logged in view and you will observe that it auto de-selects the field (focuses out of the control area) where as in guest mode i didn't face such issue.
Thank you for capturing a screencast. It really helps. I reproduced the issue on my end. We'll research it and let you know our results.