I have a survey with the possibility of answering "other" on multiple questions. I am displaying the results of the survey with the Dashboard component but I don't find how to display the input from the "other" option. On the first screenshot, at the bottom where is written "There are no results yet" I would like to display a table with the answers.
I am using VueJS and I create the VisualizationPanel like this.
Codeconst vizPanel = new VisualizationPanel(
surveyResults ?? [],
On surveyResults I have
JSON{question1: 'other'}
And the survey elements used to create the survey object
choices: ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'],
name: "question1",
showOtherItem: true,
type: "radiogroup"
How could I show the text "This is my other answer" written by the user as displayed on the second screenshot on the dashboard of the first one?
Thank you