Question T15001
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Regarding the logic on how to take a survey on website and based on answering of questions redirect user to a roadmap of his choice in react js

created a year ago

This mail is to inform you that I along with my team are working on a project wherein we are unable to figure out logic where based on answering of the survey questions how to redirect user to a roadmap of the domain he is interested in
We just thought of using algorithm like AO* and assign weights to each of the option in a question and based on score allocate the domain but implementation is an issue actually so kindly help!!

Thanking you and regards
Chahak Sengar

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created a year ago

Hello Chahak,
I am sorry. I read your question several times but I was not able to understand your goal. Could you please re-phrase the question and provide more information if possible?

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team