Question T15028
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nouislider remove decimals

created a year ago


Is it possible to code so that data is not shown after decimal points?
Default is .00, but I want to only first one number without decimal

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created a year ago

Hello Mateusz,
To remove a decimal part for values which appear within a NoUI Slider tooltip, you can customize the tooltips property of a NoUISlider widget. Consider the following code example taken from the documentation:

format: wNumb({ decimals: 0 }),

To modify the format for a SurveyJS No UI Slider, you can override the NoUISlider implementation and apply the format. I copied the nouislider widget implementation and modified the tooltips property to remove a decimal part:

import noUiSlider from "nouislider"; import * as Survey from "survey-core"; import wNumb from "wnumb"; export const initSlider = () => { const iconId = "icon-nouislider"; const componentName = "nouislider"; fetch("./nouislider.svg") .then((response) => response.text()) .then((svg) => { Survey.SvgRegistry.registerIconFromSvg(iconId, svg); }); var widget = { name: componentName, title: "noUiSlider", iconName: iconId, widgetIsLoaded: function () { return typeof noUiSlider != "undefined"; }, isFit: function (question) { return question.getType() === componentName; }, htmlTemplate: "<div><div></div></div>", activatedByChanged: function (activatedBy) { Survey.Serializer.addClass(componentName, [], null, "empty"); let registerQuestion = Survey.ElementFactory.Instance.registerCustomQuestion; if (!!registerQuestion) registerQuestion(componentName); Survey.Serializer.addProperties(componentName, [ { name: "step:number", category: "slider", categoryIndex: 1, default: 1 }, { name: "rangeMin:number", category: "slider", default: 0 }, { name: "rangeMax:number", category: "slider", default: 100 }, { name: "pipsMode", category: "slider", default: "positions" }, { name: "pipsValues:itemvalues", category: "slider", default: [0, 25, 50, 75, 100] }, { name: "pipsText:itemvalues", category: "slider", default: [0, 25, 50, 75, 100] }, { name: "pipsDensity:number", category: "slider", default: 5 }, { name: "orientation", category: "slider", default: "horizontal", choices: ["horizontal", "vertical"] }, { name: "direction:string", category: "slider", default: "ltr" }, { name: "tooltips:boolean", category: "slider", default: true } ]); }, afterRender: function (question, el) { = "19px"; = "20px"; = "20px"; = "44px"; el = el.children[0]; = "60px"; if (question.orientation === "vertical") { = "250px"; = "60px"; } var slider = noUiSlider.create(el, { start: question.rangeMin <= question.value && question.value <= question.rangeMax ? question.value : (question.rangeMin + question.rangeMax) / 2, connect: [true, false], step: question.step, tooltips: wNumb({ decimals: 0 }), pips: { mode: question.pipsMode || "positions", values: (pVal) { var pipValue = pVal; if (pVal.value !== undefined) { pipValue = pVal.value; } return parseInt(pipValue); }), density: question.pipsDensity || 5, format: { to: function (pVal) { var pipText = pVal; (el) { if (el.text !== undefined && pVal === el.value) { pipText = el.text; } }); return pipText; } } }, range: { min: question.rangeMin, max: question.rangeMax }, orientation: question.orientation, direction: question.direction }); slider.on("change", function () { question.value = Number(slider.get()); }); question.updateSliderProperties = function () { const elems = document.getElementsByClassName("noUi-pips"); if (elems.length > 0) elems[elems.length - 1].style.display = "none"; if (elems.length > 1) elems[elems.length - 2].style.display = "none"; var getStart = function (currentStart) { return ( question.rangeMin + Math.round((currentStart - question.rangeMin) / question.step) * question.step ); }; slider.updateOptions( { step: question.step, start: question.rangeMin <= question.value && question.value <= question.rangeMax ? getStart(question.value) : getStart((question.rangeMin + question.rangeMax) / 2), range: { min: question.rangeMin, max: question.rangeMax } }, true ); slider.pips({ mode: question.pipsMode || "positions", values: (pVal) { var pipValue = pVal; if (pVal.value !== undefined) { pipValue = pVal.value; } return parseInt(pipValue); }), density: question.pipsDensity || 5, format: { to: function (pVal) { var pipText = pVal; (el) { if (el.text !== undefined && pVal === el.value) { pipText = el.text; } }); return pipText; } } }); }; var updateValueHandler = function () { slider.set(question.value); }; if (question.isReadOnly) { el.setAttribute("disabled", true); } updateValueHandler(); question.noUiSlider = slider; question.registerFunctionOnPropertiesValueChanged( [ "pipsValues", "step", "rangeMin", "rangeMax", "pipsMode", "pipsDensity" ], question.updateSliderProperties ); question.valueChangedCallback = updateValueHandler; question.readOnlyChangedCallback = function () { if (question.isReadOnly) { el.setAttribute("disabled", true); } else { el.removeAttribute("disabled"); } }; }, willUnmount: function (question, el) { if (!!question.noUiSlider) { question.noUiSlider.destroy(); question.noUiSlider = null; } question.readOnlyChangedCallback = null; question.valueChangedCallback = null; if (!question.updateSliderProperties) return; question.unRegisterFunctionOnPropertiesValueChanged( [ "pipsValues", "step", "rangeMin", "rangeMax", "pipsMode", "pipsDensity" ], question.updateSliderProperties ); question.updateSliderProperties = undefined; }, pdfRender: function (_, options) { if (options.question.getType() === componentName) { var point = options.module.SurveyHelper.createPoint( options.module.SurveyHelper.mergeRects.apply(null, options.bricks) ); point.xLeft += options.controller.unitWidth; point.yTop += options.controller.unitHeight * options.module.FlatQuestion.CONTENT_GAP_VERT_SCALE; var rect = options.module.SurveyHelper.createTextFieldRect( point, options.controller ); var textboxBrick = new options.module.TextFieldBrick( options.question, options.controller, rect, true,, options.question.value || options.question.defaultValue || "", "", options.question.isReadOnly, false, "text" ); options.bricks.push(textboxBrick); } } }; Survey.CustomWidgetCollection.Instance.addCustomWidget(widget, "customtype"); };


import { initSlider } from "./noUISlider"; import "nouislider/distribute/nouislider.css"; initSlider(); ...

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I hope this example helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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    Comments (2)
    MM MM
    Mateusz Michna a year ago

      awesome, thank you

        No problem. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.