In your Angular documentation, there is no file FilePreviewComponent
And, there's another way to do custom preview image using onAfterRenderQuestion
? I've read your documentation yesterday, but idk why no longer exist
In your Angular documentation, there is no file FilePreviewComponent
And, there's another way to do custom preview image using onAfterRenderQuestion
? I've read your documentation yesterday, but idk why no longer exist
Hello Malvin,
Thank you for pointing this out. Please test the updated CodeSandbox at
We will fix this issue and update our website.
Regarding your question: with recent form library updates, we introduced a new Photo Capture feature for our File question. This brings updates to the File question, and now, it is no longer recommended to use the onAfterRenderQuestion
event for rendering custom file previews. Overriding the HTML structure of file question contents may not work in modern component-based frameworks. Instead, with the next version v1.9.111, we will introduce an option to extend a component which renders a file item. This way, you'll be able to override a file component's rendering instead of modifying HTML markup. Please refer to the above CodeSandbox for more details.
Let me know if you have any further questions.