Question T15110
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install bootstrap theme

created a year ago


if i have full bootstrap theme, how can i add it to surveyjs , creator and when i display the questions .
is there a way to override the default css
and if yes how i can do it.
for example if i need to use the styles for an input from bootstrap how i can apply to the survey.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created a year ago

SurveyJS UI components use their own themes and styles. Unfortunately, we do not offer built-in support for the Bootstrap theme for a Survey Creator component.

Regarding the Form Library - while we do have Bootstrap and Bootstrap Material themes (check this topic), they are considered obsolete. This means that new SurveyJS Form Library features/UI elements do not get there to obsolete Bootstrap themes.

You may probabaly know that we recently released new themes for SurveyJS Forms. I would recommend you that you try either of predefined survey themes or build a custom theme using our Theme Editor.

Regarding a Survey Creator UI - you can modify it using CSS. Please refer to the following demo: Custom Theme using CSS variables.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.