I am trying to add a custom property (dropdown type) in the Property Grid. The property has to be a dropdown, and this have to allow the user if can't find the id in the list, can write a different id, or choose other option.
Codeserializer.addProperty("survey", {
name: "id:string",
displayName: "ID",
category: "general",
visibleIndex: 2,
choices: [
"(ID100) Id de Proyecto 1 ",
"(ID200) Id de Proyecto 2",
"(ID300) Id de Proyecto 3",
"(ID400) Id de Proyecto 4",
"(ID500) Id de Proyecto 5",
"(ID600) Id de Proyecto 6"
Also, the choices display an id (ID100) and a name (Id de Proyecto 1) , but the value when the user choose or set have to be only the id (ID100) .
Please , your help. Thank you so much