Question T1568
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Performance issue when mounting SurveyJS in our app (

created 6 years ago

It takes a really long time to load and mount SurveyJS editor in our app. Also, after the editor is mounted it is preforming poorly, click events and drag and drop are slow.

I attached the profiler of when the editor is getting mounted and a few click events.

Please let me know if you need anything else to debug and troubleshoot this issue.


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    Hello Max,

    I've signed in your site and tried the SurveyJS Builder. I see it slowness on your page.
    I've checked similar scenario on our site and unfortunately I've not managed to reproduce the issue in the or in any our demo. It works or on our site.

    First of all I'd like to ask you - what version of the SurveyJS Builder are you using (I've inspected our scripts on your page but unfortunately headers have been cut)? We've make a lot of work on the performance improvements in past months. The latest version is the 1.0.66 - both SurveyJS Library and SurveyJS Builder.

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team

      At the moment we are on version 1.0.63 in production. But, I tried to update it to version 1.0.66 in Dev and it still appears to be slow.
      Any other suggestions?

        Hello Max,
        v1.0.63 is ok already. We have made more performance optimization and we did it in the current releasing version, but I do not think the problem with our code.
        I am afraid that problem can be in your code or in code that you use in survey events.
        We could not localized it. If you could localize the issue, create an example of slow json or events, it would be great. We will be able to fix it.

        About optimization - we are talking about surveys with thousands questions and they are working relatively fast in the latest versions.

        Thank you,
        SurveyJS Team