I have two saved surveys.
The first one, locale was set as italiano. (Attachment - Survey 01.png, Survey 01.txt).
And other one locale wasn't changed (Default English). and it also empty. (Attachment - Survey 02.png, Survey 02.txt).
~~ step 1 ~~
Load first survey to survey builder. just like Survey 01.png. but didn't update anything. then back to menu again.
~~ step 2 ~~
Load second survey to survey builder. and add Checkbox, RadioGroup or Matrix. Then you will see, still default labels show in italiano. (Attachment - Survey 03.png, Survey 03.txt).
but after step 1, if we refresh page and follow step 2, it works correctly. I wanna know, how we avoid this issue.
Please can someone contribute this issue since i got the same issue, when i changed the locale(language ) in my survey and tried to move back to create exactly new one, but i could see previously created survey's language phrases are getting into current survey, even though i did not change any language settings on newly creating survey.
I suspect its something related cache or do you guys have any ideas ?
Please be kind enough to make a clarification regarding this.