I want to add a Summer note editor in toolbar as custom widget. I am able to add it in the question editor but the same does not work when I try to add it in the survey builder toolbar. The default editor currently used is CKEditor but my requirement is of Summer Note. Please provide any reference or solution.
Need Summer editor in toolbar
Sorry for misunderstanding.
In this repo - https://github.com/surveyjs/widgets you can find links to the well documented live samples of a custom widget:
You can use the summernote editor official documentation.
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
As far as I remember, you already asked about it in this thread - https://surveyjs.answerdesk.io/ticket/details/t1488
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
I see but its not working as expected getting many errors :( in console.
I checked all plugins of summer note editor and there is no change but the strange thing is that why we are getting builder issues with summer note?
You can see that all the changes I've written you before are related to the basic JavaScript programming tasks and not to the SurveyJS products.
Have you made the changes I've told you in my previous post?
Could you please fix all the errors not related to the SurveyJS functionality by yourself?
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team