Question T16079
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Re: VisibleIf not working correctly for Ranking question

created a year ago

Hi team,

I am facing the same issue with my Survey as mentioned in below ticket,

When I add 2 questions : 1st as Ranking type and 2nd as any other type question. When I go to Logic tab and give logic as below

Then I go to test tab and select any sequence for ranking question, it makes question 2 as required. It is behaving the same for 'skip to question' logic and 'visibleIf' logic.
Basically it does not care about the exact order that is selected in the Logic tab. it is working for any sequence.


Please suggest.


Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created a year ago

Hello Shivam,
We addressed this issue in v1.9.116. Here is a corresponding GitHub issue: A logic expression should consider the order of a Ranking Question items. In the most recent version, the order of rating items are preserved correctly. You can check this demo.

It seems that your SurveyJS subscription doesn't provide access to the most recent version of SurveyJS packages.
I would recommend that you consider upgrading your subscription. This way, you will be able to use the most recent version of SurveyJS libraries.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
