Question T16515
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Dynamic panel template bug?

created a year ago (modified a year ago)


I'm am trying to use the merge question functionality to merge the contents of 2 dynamic panels together. I have 2 dynamic panels, the first one to capture the person's info and the 2nd to capture the person's children's info. I am trying to merge the person and their children together into a single "household". Ideally the first dynamic panel would only ever show the first item, i.e. the person's info, and the second dynamic panel would show all items except for the first one (the children). The first dynamic panel is working as expected. However, the second dynamic panel seems to be hiding the first item, but it's not showing the 2nd of the 2 items that I configured it to start with. Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

I've attached my example survey json.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created a year ago

Hello Mary,
You set panelCount = 1 to the first panel and panelCount = 2 to the second panel.
Since your panels shares the same data, the first panel wins and you have only one record (item in the array).
You will need to set panelCount: 3 to the first panel to solve your task since you need three records.
Here is the example.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team