Question T17024
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Fully fill the tick box with color

created a year ago

I want to save my completed survey as a PDF within which all the tick boxes of chosen options are fully filled with a color (black) but not just a tiny dot.

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    When a respondent submit a filled-out form, a static read-only PDF is generated on my platform and can be downloaded (as shown in the picture below). What I want is all the boxes marking my selected options (not just that of multiple-choice questions) to be filled with a solid color. Currently, they are just put in with small dots, which is hard to make out on physical papers.

      Thank you for the clarification. I may need additional time to consider an option. Please stay tuned.

        Unfortunately, there is no built-in option to render a filled-in box instead of a radio item. We may consider an option to achieve that. Please follow this issue:


        Answers approved by surveyjs Support

        created a year ago

        Thank you for your patience. To fill a checked matrix option with a solid color, implement the SurveyPDF.onRenderQuestion function, obtain a target brick and use the doc.setFillColor jsPDF function to fill a cell box with a solid color. Consider the following code: View Demo.

        surveyPDF.onRenderQuestion.add((sender, options) => { if(options.question.getType() != "matrix") return; options.bricks.forEach((brick) => { brick.unfold().forEach((innerBrick) => { if(!!innerBrick.radioGroupWrap && innerBrick.context.checked){ const doc = options.controller.doc; const itemBackground = "#9F9F9F"; const targetBrick = innerBrick; let oldFillColor = doc.getFillColor(); doc.setFillColor(itemBackground); const x = targetBrick.xLeft; const y = targetBrick.yTop; const width = targetBrick.width; const height = targetBrick.height; doc.rect(x, y, width, height, "F"); doc.setFillColor(oldFillColor); } }) }) });

        Should you have further questions, please do let me know.