Question T17597
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Changing panelAddText with onPropertyChanged

created 9 months ago

Im wanting to provide my clients the ability to change the Add Panel Text. Ive added a property to the property grid but cant seem to target the panel question in the onPropertyChanged cycle. Any help would be appreciated. Here is my JSON.

questionJSON: { type: "paneldynamic", name: "Multiple Profile Search", title: "Multiple Profile Search", titleLocation: "hidden", templateElements: [ { name: "profile_search", type: "profile_search", }, ], },

this doesnt work…

onPropertyChanged: async ( question: Question & any, propertyName: string, newValue: any, ) => { const survey = question.getSurvey(); survey?.getAllQuestions().forEach((q: any) => { if (q.getType() === "paneldynamic") { q.panels.forEach((panel: any) => { panel.elements.forEach((element: any) => { if (element.getType() === "panel") { element.panelAddText = newValue; } }); }); } }); if (propertyName == "Change Panel Add Text") { if (question.getType() === custom_question_multiple_profile_search) { const panel = survey.getPanelByName("Multiple Profile Search"); if (panel) { panel.panelAddText = newValue; } } } //void },

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 9 months ago (modified 9 months ago)

Hello Alex,
If you wish to allow users to change the panelAddText property of an inner Dynamic Panel element, configure an array of properties inherited from a source element (Dynamic Panel) using the inheritBaseProps attribute and list the panelAddText property name. Consider the following specialized component definition:

import { ComponentCollection } from "survey-core"; ComponentCollection.Instance.add({ name: "custompanel", inheritBaseProps: ["panelAddText"], questionJSON: { type: "paneldynamic", name: "Multiple Profile Search", title: "Multiple Profile Search", titleLocation: "hidden", templateElements: [ { name: "profile_search", type: "profile_search", }, ], } })

The "Add Panel" button text property will be available for a custom component:

Please let me know if you have further questions.

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      this is a custom component. im adding it to the collection at the bottom of the file. what are you doing differently in your example?

        Nevermind. That was it! Thanks for your help Jane!!

          No problem! Please feel free to contact us if you require further assistance.
