i have 20 questions.
every question has 5 choices:
- very high
- high
- medium
- low
- very low
the number value of "very high" is "2", "high" is "1", "medium" is "0", "low" is "-1" and "very Low" is "-2". i dont's want respondents see the numbers, they must see the "very High", "high" and… .
at the end i have to sum the number value of each choice that respondent has chosen. how do i have to do this.
by the way i don't want to use the "value" column in choices panel because i need them in some conditions and logic.
Hello Hadi,
Our choice item has two properties, value and text. You can set value to -2 and text to "very Low" and so on. By default if text is empty then value is shown.
"choices": [{ value: -2, text: "Very low"}, { value: 2, text: "Very high"}]
This type is used in many our questions including dropdown, rating, ranking and others.
Here is the example.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
Hi Andrew.
thanks for your response.
as i have said in my question above, because i want to use the value property as id in regular expressions like "iif", i rather not to set the numbers in value property. i was wondering if there was another way to save value property for id in expression and set numbers in some where else.
actually this is my main question, is there other solution?
best regards
Hello Hadi,
You can add a weight property into "itemvalue" class, choice item and then use it to make some calculation. However, I would not make it overcomplicated and use value (number) and text only. It would make you logic and then calculation simple and straight forward.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team