Question T18317
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Is it possible to remove the reset button on the property otherTextName?

created 7 months ago

Is it possible to remove the reset button on the property otherTextName?

Screenshot 2024-05-25 020322.png

Comments (2)

    Hello Giorgio,
    Do you want to remove this button for all property editors? I doubt that you want to remove it for only one property.

    Thank you,
    SurveyJS Team

      In particular, I need to remove this, but it's okay to remove it from all.

      Answers approved by surveyjs Support

      created 7 months ago (modified 7 months ago)

      Hello Giorgio,
      This property uses a customized Single-Line Text Input with the Reset option editor.

      If you wish to remove the Reset button for this particular property editor, you can register a custom Text property editor within the PropertyGridEditorCollection. Consider the following code:

      import { PropertyGridEditorCollection } from "survey-creator-core"; PropertyGridEditorCollection.register({ fit: function(prop) { return === "otherText"; }, getJSON: function(obj, prop,options) { return { type: "text"} // Use a regular Text input field without the Reset button } });

      Please let us know if you have further questions.