Question T18866
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Change order of smiley faces to reverse position

created 8 months ago

Hi there,

I am trying to change the order of the smiley faces to bring the sad face to the right side with a value of 5 but cannot find a way to do this.

Could you please help?


Many thanks,


Comments (2)

    Hello Kirsten,
    Thank you for sharing your usage scenario. Unfortunately, a Rating scale doesn't have an option to reverse the order of smiley faces and display the sad face on the rightmost position (typically where the happy face is) and vice versa. Would you please clarify whether you wish to reverse the smiley order for a specific Rating scale question within your form or for all Rating questions?

      Thanks Jane,

      Pain scales in healthcare follow the format below with no pain on the left and severe pain on the right. This is the only question in the assessment that needs this reverse order. We have one other rating scale with higher stars on the right side, the question is 'How well do you understand your problem' and it's confusing to the user to have two scales acting differently. Is there no way around this please?


      Many thanks,


      Answers approved by surveyjs Support

      created 8 months ago

      Hello Kirsten,
      Thank you for the update. If you wish to reverse rating items for a particular survey question, you can apply a custom CSS which adds the flex-direction: row-reverse CSS style to a rating scale fieldset. Consider the following demo: View Plunker.

      .rating-reverse fieldset[role="radiogroup"] { flex-direction: row-reverse; }
      survey.onUpdateQuestionCssClasses.add((sender, options) => { if( === "painRating"){ options.cssClasses.content += " rating-reverse"; } });


      Let me know if this option works for you.

        Comments (2)

          You're so helpful as always!

          Thank you Jane

            You're welcome.